
Berlin, March 12. and 13. 2025 with Bent Myllerup

DKK 14,500.00 (+ 25% moms)

An Agile Leadership certification is not just a nice piece of paper - it is your opportunity to become the leader you want to be and the leader your teams need you to be to become successful

EUR 1950,00 excl. VAT

Copenhagen, March 17. and 18. 2025 with Bent Myllerup

DKK 14,500.00 (+ 25% moms)

An Agile Leadership certification is not just a nice piece of paper - it is your opportunity to become the leader you want to be and the leader your teams need you to be to become successful

EUR 1950,00 excl. VAT

Copenhagen, March 4. and 5. 2025 with Bent Myllerup

DKK 14,500.00 (+ 25% moms)

An Agile Leadership certification is not just a nice piece of paper - it is your opportunity to become the leader you want to be and the leader your teams need you to be to become successful

EUR 1950,00 excl. VAT

Copenhagen, May 27. and 28. 2025 with Bent Myllerup

DKK 10,500.00 (+ 25% moms)
DKK 8,925.00 (+ 25% moms)

As a Product Owner you must think of yourself as somebody who runs a business - learn how you work with stakeholders and developers to bring the right products to market in record time

EUR 1410,00 excl. VAT

Copenhagen, February 19. and 20. 2025 with Bent Myllerup

DKK 10,500.00 (+ 25% moms)

As a Product Owner you must think of yourself as somebody who runs a business - learn how you work with stakeholders and developers to bring the right products to market in record time

EUR 1410,00 excl. VAT

Aarhus, April 7. and 8. 2025 with Bent Myllerup

DKK 10,500.00 (+ 25% moms)
DKK 8,925.00 (+ 25% moms)

As a Product Owner you must think of yourself as somebody who runs a business - learn how you work with stakeholders and developers to bring the right products to market in record time

EUR 1410,00 excl. VAT

Copenhagen, April 2. and 3. 2025 with Bent Myllerup

DKK 10,500.00 (+ 25% moms)
DKK 8,925.00 (+ 25% moms)

Real engagement comes out of clarity and enablement – facilitation techniques help you provide exactly that. It is not a coincident that “facilitation” means: “to enable” or “to make easy”, because this is your responsibility as a team facilitator – despite your personal biases.

EUR 1600,00 excl. VAT. 

Copenhagen, June 10. to 12. 2025 with Bent Myllerup

DKK 12,000.00 (+ 25% moms)
DKK 10,200.00 (+ 25% moms)

The profession of Agile Coaching is way beyond enforcing a framework. You need to be interested in people, help them unlock their potential and enable them to grow - we provide the tools and competences to do so

EUR 1600,00 excl. VAT. 

Copenhagen, May 15th and 16th 2025 with Russell Hill

DKK 10,380.00 (+ 25% moms)
DKK 8,895.00 (+ 25% moms)

Being a Kanban Management Professional would give you the tools and techniques to improve flow within your team, reduce the overburden of people and produce an improved quality of work.

Copenhagen, May 12. and 13. 2025 with Russell Hill

DKK 16,350.00 (+ 25% moms)
Business agility at scale with Flight Levels

Are you in the middle of an Agile Transformation? Or are you planning one in the future? If you’re looking for an alternative approach on how to bring agility to your environment, you have come to the right place.

Flight Levels System Architecture will enable you to see your organisation from a different perspective. It will provide you with a systemic approach to improving your organisation in a simple pragmatic and cost-effective way.

Copenhagen, March 10. and 11. 2025 with Russell Hill

DKK 16,350.00 (+ 25% moms)

In this hands-on workshop, we delve into the practical application of Flight Level 2 systems and their implementation within the specific Product and Service Areas of your organisation. You will design customised Flight Level 2 systems tailored to your organisational context, identifying areas for initial focus without the need for costly reorganisation.

Copenhagen, March 13. and 14. 2025 with Russell Hill

DKK 10,380.00 (+ 25% moms)

Being a Kanban Management Professional would give you the tools and techniques to improve flow within your team, reduce the overburden of people and produce an improved quality of work.